On 03/09/2018 08:56 AM, David Steele wrote:
About pgBarman, I like :
- be able restore on a remote server from the backup server
This a good feature, and one that has been requested for pgBackRest. You
can do this fairly trivially with ssh, however, so it generally hasn't
been a big deal for people. Is there a particular reason you need this
(Sorry to dredge up this old thread.)
Do you just change the IP address of the "restore target"?
- use replication slots for backingup wal on the backup server.
Another good feature. We have not added it yet because pgBackRest was
originally written for very high-volume clusters (100K+ WAL per day) and
our parallel async feature answers that need much better. We recommend
a replicated standby for more update-to-date data.
Every N minutes you copy the WAL files to the backup server?
Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.