I'm looking at pgloader to automate data loading into a Postgis enabled Postgres database.
I have seen in the tutorial how the internal point type is supported, and how the postgis extension can be pre-installed by pgloader if necessary, but I can't see how I might take x & y values & save as a postgis point. I guess I could do this via a trigger, but that is hopefully an unnecessary workaround.
if I read data in (say from CSV):
1,tan0104,1,173.567,-43.678 ...
to a Postgis table: create table station (id int primary key, trip char(7) station_no int, lon_s decimal(7,4), lat_s decimal(6,4), startp geometry(POINT,4326)); the startp column is populated by the SQL: startp=ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(lon_s,lat_s),4326)
This creates a point feature from the x (lon) & y (lat) coordinates, and specifies the coordinate reference system as lat/lon degrees WGS84 (EPSG:4326) to match the column specification.
How can I implement that in the pgloader command to load the CSV file?
Brent Wood
Programme leader: Environmental Information Delivery NIWA DDI: +64 (4) 3860529