Em 26/12/2017 20:42, Martin Marques escreveu:
El 26/12/17 a las 14:46, Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter escribió:
Usually, or by "pg_basebackup" or by "rsync" as described in PostgreSQL
Right now, I'm doing via pg_basebackup.
Nothing extraordinary.
When using rsync:
rsync -e "ssh -2 -C -p slave_ssh_port" --progress --partial -az
superuser_name@$slave_host:/home/pgsql/9.6/slave_data_folder/ --exclude
postmaster.pid --exclude postgresql.conf --exclude pg_log
You don't say so anywhere, but I suspect you run the rsync between a
pg_start_backup() and pg_stop_backup(), right?
That is the way it's described in the wiki.
Yes, sure. When using wiki, I'm following all instructions. Process
revisited many times do check if something changed (since 9.0 days :-) )
Right now, I do prefer to use pg_basebackup instead - but sometimes
(when database is just too large), rsync seems more reliable (maybe it
is the cause of the problem).
Anyway, instead digging into rsync functionality (or bugs - I doubt, but
who knows?), I do prefer to have a script I can run to check if there is
obvious failures in standby servers.
Looking for empty files would be a start point.
I'm learning from experienced people from the list that are other points
I would like to check as well.