I am the server user. How do I make my conda environment available? It seems as though plpython is using python 3.5.2, whereas my conda environment is using python 3.6, and I don't have the modules loaded that I need.
On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 5:42 PM, John R Pierce <pierce@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 10/23/2017 2:05 PM, Celia McInnis wrote:
Is it possible for users to use their conda environment for plpython, complete with the modules that they have loaded in that environment? If so, what do I do?
I am running postgres 9.6.2 and would like to use a conda environment for python 3.6 which contrains a fair number of modules that I want to use (eg., regex, recordclass, pandas, ...).
plpython runs in the context of the server user, not the end user. as long as you can maket his 'conda environment' available to that user, and it doesn't violate the single threaded design of a postgres connection, I dunno why not.
that said, everything you do in a PL is running in the process context of the core database server. I'm very very hesitant to drag in large complex external systems, and would generally prefer to do that sort of thing in an app server context outside the DB server.
john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz
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