2017-06-02 11:15 GMT+02:00 PAWAN SHARMA <er.pawanshr0963@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Pavel,On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 2:13 PM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi2017-06-02 10:16 GMT+02:00 PAWAN SHARMA <er.pawanshr0963@xxxxxxxxx>:Hi All,I am migrating Oracle database into PostgreSQL using Ora2PG tool.So, I am facing one issue with trigger after generating script output of Oracle database.Oracle :CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER UPDATE_JOB_HISTORYAFTER UPDATE OF JOB_ID, DEPARTMENT_ID ON EMPLOYEESFOR EACH ROWBEGINadd_job_history(:old.employee_id, :old.hire_date, sysdate, :old.job_id, :old.department_id);END;/The script generated by Ora2PG tool.DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_job_history ON employees CASCADE;CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger_fct_update_job_history() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ BEGINadd_job_history(OLD.employee_id, OLD.hire_date, LOCALTIMESTAMP, OLD.job_id, OLD.department_id);RETURN NEW;END$BODY$LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';CREATE TRIGGER update_job_historyAFTER UPDATE ON employees FOR EACH ROWEXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_fct_update_job_history(); when I try to run the above-generated script it will show below error.ERROR: syntax error at or near "add_job_history"LINE 4: add_job_history(OLD.employee_id, OLD.hire_date, LOCALTIMES... ^NOTICE: relation "employees" does not exist, skippingmaybe you have too old version of ora2pg. Master ora2pg is able to emulate procedure call by SELECT command.RegardsPavelPlease Suggest or help to resolve it.-PawanThanks for the response, I am using.c:\ora2pg>ora2pg -c ora2pg.conf -vOra2Pg v18.1
try to use master from github