2017-06-02 10:16 GMT+02:00 PAWAN SHARMA <er.pawanshr0963@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi All,I am migrating Oracle database into PostgreSQL using Ora2PG tool.So, I am facing one issue with trigger after generating script output of Oracle database.Oracle :CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER UPDATE_JOB_HISTORYAFTER UPDATE OF JOB_ID, DEPARTMENT_ID ON EMPLOYEESFOR EACH ROWBEGINadd_job_history(:old.employee_id, :old.hire_date, sysdate, :old.job_id, :old.department_id);END;/The script generated by Ora2PG tool.DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_job_history ON employees CASCADE;CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger_fct_update_job_history() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ BEGINadd_job_history(OLD.employee_id, OLD.hire_date, LOCALTIMESTAMP, OLD.job_id, OLD.department_id);RETURN NEW;END$BODY$LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';CREATE TRIGGER update_job_historyAFTER UPDATE ON employees FOR EACH ROWEXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_fct_update_job_history(); when I try to run the above-generated script it will show below error.ERROR: syntax error at or near "add_job_history"LINE 4: add_job_history(OLD.employee_id, OLD.hire_date, LOCALTIMES... ^NOTICE: relation "employees" does not exist, skipping
maybe you have too old version of ora2pg. Master ora2pg is able to emulate procedure call by SELECT command.
Please Suggest or help to resolve it.-Pawan