On 9/6/2016 2:10 PM, Ashish Chauhan
...Cannot afford downtime on db servers... thats an impossible target in general unless you expect computer
systems to run perfectly forever without ever needing hardware or
software maintenance. there are strategies to /minimize/
downtime, such as having active/standby failover, but the simple
act of failing over requires a short downtime where your
applications are forcibly disconnected from the formerly active
database and have to reconnect to the newly activated master,
restarting any transactions that were in progress at the time of
interruption. then there's the issues of building fully
redundant network infrastructure, as well as redundant pooling.
In my experience, the more pieces you add to a system in an
attempt to make it more robust, the more fragile and delicate it
-- john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz |