Ok so guys....
CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION function_data_1()RETURNS SETOF bigint AS $$declarerow record;BEGIN[...]FOR row IN EXECUTE 'SELECTt1.file_id,t1.path,t1.account_idFROMtable1 t1JOINtable3 t3 ON t3.file_Id = t1.file_idWHEREt3.migrated = 0ANDt3.account_id = 1112ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 30 '[...]
How can I make the function works with account_id?
Example: select function_data_1(1112)
Example: select function_data_1(1112)
and then it will do all the work just for that specific account_id?
If you guys please could give me the way to do that..