Existing application code written to call function in Oracle which return no.of rows in out parameter and return-values is cursor-result
this need migrate to PostgreSQL, need help here
example: (actual function declaration only)
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sc_getapppermissionlist (
v_role_ids IN VARCHAR2,
v_rowsfound OUT INTEGER,
result_cursor1 OUT SYS_REFCURSOR
) ...
method 1:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sc_getapppermissionlist (
v_role_ids IN VARCHAR,
v_rowsfound OUT INTEGER,
result_cursor1 OUT REFCURSOR
) ...
but this approach issue is, need to do in BEGIN - END block inside with FETCH ALL IN "<unnamed portal X>"
- here we need/think common approach for database
method 2:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sc_getapppermissionlist (
v_role_ids IN VARCHAR,
v_rowsfound OUT INTEGER)
this approach is not working
On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 5:57 PM, David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
HiIs there any option in PGPLSQL which can RETURNS table or SETOF rows along with an OUT parameter?No, there would be no point given the internals of how functions work.What is it you are trying to do?David J.