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Re: Function PostgreSQL 9.2

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On Tuesday, May 3, 2016, drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx> <drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

      * This is what I did...

        |-- Creating the table
        CREATE  TABLE  public.company_seqs
        (company_id BIGINTNOT  NULL,
        last_seq BIGINTNOT  NULL  DEFAULT  1000,
        CONSTRAINT  company_seqs_pkPRIMARY  KEY  (company_id)

        -- Creating the function

        CREATE  OR  REPLACEFUNCTION  users_code_seq()
            RETURNS"trigger"  AS
                 UPDATE public.company_seqs
                         SET last_seq = (last_seq + 1)
                         WHERE company_id = NEW.company_id;
                 SELECT INTO NEW.code last_seq
                         FROM public.company_seqs WHERE company_id = NEW.company_id;
                 END IF;
                 RETURN new;

                 LANGUAGE'plpgsql'  VOLATILE;

        -- Creating the trigger
        CREATE  TRIGGER  tf_users_code_seq
            ON  public.users
            FOR  EACHROW
            EXECUTE  PROCEDURE  users_code_seq();|

1) I just may be over-sensitive to this, but after Adrian Klaver referred you to a ten-years old post that the above looks an awful lot similar too, it sure would be nice to see some attribution
rather than claiming it as your own with "...what *I* did..."

        When inserting data:

    |INSERT  INTO  public.users(id,email,encrypted_password,sign_in_count,created_at,updated_at,code,company_id)  VALUES  (672,'test2@xxxxxxxx  <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','test2@xxxxxxxx');>','bucefalo','0','2016-05-03 00:01:01','2016-05-03 00:01:01',default,'1');

    INSERT  INTO  public.users(id,email,encrypted_password,sign_in_count,created_at,updated_at,code,company_id)  VALUES  (672,'test3@xxxxxxxx  <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','test3@xxxxxxxx');>','bucefalo','0','2016-05-03 00:01:01','2016-05-03 00:01:01','inserting my own data code column','1');|


        On the first query, nothing happens on the users.code column. The column is null.


        On the second query, I can see the "inserting my own data code column" inserted into the
        code column. |This means my Trigger function is not working.. I don't know why.|

2) Does the public.company_seqs have any rows in it?

3) Not sure you need a separate company_seq table. Since there is a one-to-one relation between company and company_seqs, put the last_seq column in the company table.

-- Berend

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