On 03/24/2016 12:54 AM, Pavlov, Vladimir wrote:
How can we determine when an error of approximation multixacts wraparound?
According to the information from pg_class:
select datname,datminmxid from pg_database;
datname | datminmxid
template1 | 347462426
template0 | 347462426
postgres | 347462426
zabbix | 467261307
db_3 | 291141939
db_1 | 388282963
db | 388282963
But when the vacuum/autovacuum starts up, an error occurs:
WARNING: oldest multixact is far in the past
HINT: Close open transactions with multixacts soon to avoid wraparound
The above would seem to be the key. Take a look at what is in:
select * from pg_stat_activity;
You are looking for long running queries and/or 'idle in transaction'
For more information see:
If I understand correctly, approaching Multixact member wraparound.
But how to understand when it comes exactly and what to do?
PostgreSQL version – 9.3.10, OS Debian 7.8.
Thank you.
Sorry, if I chose the wrong mailing list.
Kind regards,
*Vladimir Pavlov*
Adrian Klaver
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