Hello, How can we determine when an error of approximation multixacts wraparound? According to the information from pg_class: select datname,datminmxid from pg_database; datname | datminmxid ----------------+------------ template1 | 347462426 template0 | 347462426 postgres | 347462426 zabbix | 467261307 db_3 | 291141939 db_1 | 388282963 db | 388282963 But when the vacuum/autovacuum starts up, an error occurs: WARNING: oldest multixact is far in the past HINT: Close open transactions with multixacts soon to avoid wraparound problems. If I understand correctly, approaching Multixact member wraparound. But how to understand when it comes exactly and what to do? PostgreSQL version – 9.3.10, OS Debian 7.8. Thank you. Sorry, if I chose the wrong mailing list. Kind regards, Vladimir Pavlov |