If you are looking to track this over time, you'll need to use a tool that is capturing this in snapshots and do some reporting over it. I've written a script that I use frequently as part of my OpenWatch tool (https://bitbucket.org/scott_mead/openwatch/src/d024185b1b5585f7b4c8a5ad6b926eafed2e249e/bindings/java/sql/OpenWatch-Snapshots.sql?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default). Run this script in the database, then run snapshots periodically: Select snapshots.save_snap(); To see a size report between snapshots, list the available snapshots: select * from list_snaps(); To get the size report, get the snap_id numbers you want to report between and run: select * from snapshots.report_tables(<startsnapid>, <endsnapid>) If you download the full OpenWatch tool (https://bitbucket.org/scott_mead/openwatch/downloads) and run it from the shell script, you an add cpu, disk/io and memory to the report as well. |