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Server-side hooks for user session start and session end

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Hi all,

I'm trying to find a soultion to automatically execute something (preferrably a function or at least some pure sql statements) at the beginning and at the end of a user session. As an example, imagine just storing of all login and logout timestamps (though the real task is a bit more complicated than that)
I would not like it to be somehow explicitely client-side initiated 
(like e.g. trivially calling some certain do_at_sess_begin(), 
do_at_sess_end()) because first, a malicious client could then mess it 
up easily, and furthermore, in the case that the session somehow ended 
abnormally (due to say temporary network fault) client-side finalizer 
function would not be called anyway.
My first try was to create an event trigger for sql drop events, then 
create a temporary table and watch for its drop at the end of a session. 
However, it seems drop events are just not fired for temporary tables 
(although documentation does not state this anywhere, as far as I can 
see, maybe I'm wrong about that)
It would seem like one of the simplest things ever, but I'm now totally 
stuck out of ideas.
As a partial solution, handling just session _end_ would already be OK.

Any thoughts?

Thank you,

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