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Re: Processor usage/tuning question

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On 10/03/2014 6:28 pm, Andy Colson wrote:
On 10/03/2014 04:40 PM, Alan Hodgson wrote:
On Friday, October 03, 2014 11:24:31 AM Israel Brewster wrote:
I have a Postgresql 9.3.5 server running on CentOS 6.5. In looking at some
stats today, I saw that it was handling about 4-5 transactions/second
(according to the SELECT sum(xact_commit+xact_rollback) FROM
pg_stat_database; query), and an instance of the postmaster process was consistently showing 40%-80% utilization to handle this. I didn't think anything of that (the machine has plenty of capacity) until I mentioned it to a friend of mine, who said that utilization level seemed high for that many transactions. So if that level of utilization IS high, what might I
need to tune to bring it down to a more reasonable level?

You probably have some read queries not properly indexed that are sequentially scanning that 1.2 million row table over and over again. Enable slow query
logging and see what's going on.

Yep, do that... and then:


Thank you all for the advice. It looks like the load is due to a query that is taking around 1300ms to complete - a query that is run by every client connected (probably half a dozen or so, although I don't have specific numbers), every fifteen seconds or so. As you can imagine, that keeps the server rather busy :-) Specifically, it looks like the time is due to a sort (PARTITION BY tail ORDER BY pointtime DESC) that operates on around 100,000 rows.

The lovely details:

The query in question is the following:

FROM (SELECT tail, to_char(pointtime,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), lat,lng,altitude,heading,speed,source,pointtime, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY tail ORDER BY pointtime DESC) as row
FROM data
WHERE tail in (<list of about 55 values or so>) and pointtime>='<timestamp of 24 hours prior to current UTC time>'::timestamp) s1
WHERE s1.row<=5
ORDER BY tail, pointtime DESC

In english, it boils down to get the five most recent data points for each listed tail number. I look at the last 24 hours of data because it is quite possible that a tail number may have no recent data points.

One obvious optimization is to look at a smaller time range. This will definitely speed up the query, but at the risk of not getting any data points for one or more of the requested tail numbers (there is already this risk, but looking back 24 hours keeps it fairly small for us).

The table description:
tracking=# \d data
                                     Table ""
  Column   |            Type             |                     Modifiers
id | bigint | not null default nextval('data_id_seq'::regclass)
 tail      | character varying(16)       | not null
 timerecp  | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
 altitude  | integer                     |
 pointtime | timestamp without time zone |
 lat       | numeric(7,5)                | not null
 lng       | numeric(8,5)                | not null
 speed     | integer                     |
 heading   | integer                     |
 source    | character varying(64)       |
 syncd     | boolean                     | default false
    "data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "pointtime_idx" btree (pointtime)
    "syncd_idx" btree (syncd)
    "tail_idx" btree (tail)
    "tailtime_idx" btree (tail, pointtime DESC)
    "timerecp_idx" btree (timerecp)


Adding the two-column sorted index didn't seem to affect the query time much.

The table current contains 1303951 rows, and any given 24 hour period has around 110,000 rows.

The results of the explain analyze command can be seen here: (nice site, btw. I'll have to be sure to bookmark it), where it clearly shows the the sort on data.tail,data.pointtime is the largest timesink (if I am reading it right).

Postgres version is PostgreSQL 9.3.5 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4), 64-bit

This is the first time I have dug into this particular query, I want to say it wasn't this slow in my testing, but then the server wasn't under use in my testing either, and I probably had a lot less data (everything works, so it's been a while since I looked). Hardware is dual quad-core 2.5GHZ xeon processors, 16 GB ram, and a SSD raid 10 holding the database. All this is new as of about 4 months ago.

And to recap the postgres memory settings:
shared_buffers: 4GB
effective_cache_size: 12GB

So, basically, what it boils down to is "is there a way to speed up that sort"? I want to say I've seen a number of similar questions here recently, so I'll spend some time perusing those.

Thanks again!

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