Hello, I'm trying to migrate an existing hstore column to json in Postgres 9.3, and I'd like to be able to run the script in reverse. I know not all JSON can turn back into hstore, but since this is coming from an old hstore column, I know the structure is flat (no nesting), and that all values are strings. Here is the SQL I'm using to go hstore -> json: UPDATE foo SET datahash_new = to_json(datahash_old) ; Is there any SQL I can use to go backwards?: UPDATE foo SET datahash_old = xxxxx(datahash_new) ; I understand why there is not a general-purpose solution, but in my case this should be possible. I've tried to cook something up with json_each_text, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Can anyone offer any help? Thanks, Paul -- _________________________________ Pulchritudo splendor veritatis.