Hi all! Cross-posted from https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/61271/how-to-access-new-or-old-field-given-only-the-fields-name I'm writing a validation trigger. The trigger must validate that the sum of an array equals another field. Since I have many instances of this validation, I want to write a single procedure and create multiple triggers, each with a different set of fields to check. For example, I have the following schema: CREATE TABLE daily_reports( start_on date , show_id uuid , primary key(start_on, show_id) -- _graph are hourly values, while _count is total for the report , impressions_count bigint not null , impressions_graph bigint[] not null -- interactions_count, interactions_graph -- twitter_interactions_count, twitter_interactions_graph ); The validation must confirm that impressions_count = sum(impressions_graph). I'm stuck because I don't know how to dynamically access a field from NEW from within plpgsql: CREATE FUNCTION validate_sum_of_array_equals_other() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE total bigint; array_sum bigint; BEGIN -- TG_NARGS = 2 -- TG_ARGV[0] = 'impressions_count' -- TG_ARGV[1] = 'impressions_graph' -- How to access impressions_count and impressions_graph from NEW? RETURN NEW; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER validate_daily_reports_impressions ON daily_reports BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE validate_sum_of_array_equals_other('impressions_count', 'impressions_graph'); I tried http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/plpgsql-statements.html#PLPGSQL-STATEMENTS-EXECUTING-DYN by doing EXECUTE 'SELECT $1 FROM NEW' INTO total USING TG_ARGV[0], but PL/PGsql complains that NEW is an unknown relation. I am specifically targeting PostgreSQL 9.1. Thanks for any hints! François Beausoleil
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