Append following command to crontab:
D=`date -d -5day +"%Y%m%d"`;echo "DROP DATABASE test_db_$D" | psql
Maybe you should change the "psql" to your psql path.
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "Andreas";<maps.on@xxxxxxx>;
Date: Fri, Oct 25, 2013 09:53 AM
To: "pgsql-general"<pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Subject: [GENERAL] Need help how to manage a couple of daily DB copies.
I'd like to set up a DB-Server that keeps copies of our productive db for an external db-assistant.
He should prepare chores on the test-server and mail the sql scripts to me.
I'll look over those scripts and run them against the productive db myself.
So I'd like to have a daily cron job dump the main db, rename the test-db to something with a date in it.
Like test_db --> test_db_20131024
Create a new test_db and import the dump of the main db.
So far no problem but how could I limit the number of test_dbs to 5?
I'd like to keep those test_dbs 5 days and then drop them.