Am 25.10.2013 04:15, schrieb Shridhar Daithankar:
On Friday, October 25, 2013 03:53:14 AM Andreas wrote:
I'd like to set up a DB-Server that keeps copies of our productive db
for an external db-assistant.
He should prepare chores on the test-server and mail the sql scripts to me.
I'll look over those scripts and run them against the productive db myself.
So I'd like to have a daily cron job dump the main db, rename the
test-db to something with a date in it.
Like test_db --> test_db_20131024
Create a new test_db and import the dump of the main db.
So far no problem but how could I limit the number of test_dbs to 5?
I'd like to keep those test_dbs 5 days and then drop them.
#delete files older than 5 days
$ find . -mtime +4 -exec rm '{}' \;
Put that in cron too :)
well, not quite
We are not talking about files but databases within the db server.
Lets keep 3 copies total
the idea is to start with the database db_test today (2013/10/24)
2013/10/25: rename db_test to db_test_13025 and import the latest
dump into a new db_test
2013/10/26: rename db_test to db_test_13026 ... import
2013/10/27: rename db_test to db_test_13027 ... import
2013/10/28: rename db_test to db_test_13028 ... import
Now we've got db_test and 4 older copies.
Find the oldest copy and drop it. --> drop db_test_131025
or better every day drop every copy but the 3 newest.
and so on
this needs to be done by an external cron script or probaply by a
function within the postgres database or any other administrative database.
The point is to give the assistant a test-db where he could mess things up.
In the event he works longer than a day on a task his work shouldn't be
droped completely when the test-db gets automatically replaced.
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