On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 10:50 AM, James Sewell <james.sewell@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That looks great, but it doesn't really help with my problem unless I'm missing something (very possible!)I need a way to backup either from SQL in PSQL (possibly \!) or from a PG/PLSQL function to a file with a name set from a :variable.This would be triggered by a certain action in the database (applying a patch).Hope that's a bit clearer!
You can use a stored procedure with this plsh http://plsh.projects.postgresql.org/ , like this:
CREATE FUNCTION dump_db(text, text) RETURNS text AS '
pg_dump $1 > $2
' LANGUAGE plsh;
Note that you must CREATE LANGUAGE first, $1 is db_name, $2 is file name and check for write permissions of $2.
Thanks & Regards
Raghu Ram