Hi James, i wanna share with you a script that i use, i scheduled it with crontab. It generates a backup for each database. After that, there is another script scheduled that copies the backups to another server.
#! /bin/bash
TIEMPO=$(date '+%d%m%Y_%H%M%S')
BASES=$(psql -h localhost -t -U postgres -c "SELECT
datname from pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false
AND datname <> 'postgres' ")
BASES='\n' read -a array <<< $BASES
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -Fc -Z0 -C -d $CURRDB > "$UBICACION$CURRDB-$TIEMPO.backup"
# cp "$UBICACION$CURRDB-$TIEMPO.backup" /some/where/else
As you can see i query the list of the databases, but you can choose another method to get the list of the databases, but if you are backing up a single database then just use this line
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -Fc -Z0 -C -d your_database > "/path/to/backup/file.backup"
Then schedule it:
nano /etc/crontab
30 23 * * * postgres /path/to/my/script.sh
Oscar Calderon
Analista de Sistemas
Soluciones Aplicativas S.A. de C.V.
Cel. (503) 7741 7850 Tel. (503) 2522-2834
Oscar Calderon
Analista de Sistemas
Soluciones Aplicativas S.A. de C.V.
Cel. (503) 7741 7850 Tel. (503) 2522-2834
2013/10/23 Michael Nolan <htfoot@xxxxxxxxx>
You could write a plperlul function that runs a shell script to back up your database, you can even pass it parameters and put a call to that in a trigger.BUT, this could result in multiple backups running at the same time and become a performance drag.
--Mike NolanOn Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 9:19 PM, James Sewell <james.sewell@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Oh I missed that, I skimmed and thought it was the same as \setTurns out it's not and it's exactly what I want!Thanks!______________________________________
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:On 10/22/2013 03:41 PM, James Sewell wrote:Lucas' \setenv method won't work for you?
Hello All,
Thanks for the replies.Sorry I must have been a bit unclear, I realise I
*could* do this from the shell level, but can I do it from a PSQL
session somehow?
James Sewell,
PostgreSQL Team Lead / Solutions Architect
Adrian Klaver
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