On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John R Pierce <pierce@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 10/8/2013 8:35 AM, Chris Travers wrote:IIRC, vacuum full was pretty broken in 8.1, which the output the original postered showed indicated they were running.
First, while vacuum is usually preferred to vacuum full, in this case, I usually find that vacuum full clears up enough cruft to be worth it (not always, but especially if you are also having performance issues).
I certainly wouldn't recommend it for routine maintenance. The problem I have run into is that sometimes folks don't vacuum db's and you find this out after 7 years of write-heavy workloads..... In this case, there aren't a lot of great options. In 8.1 a normal vacuum will usually lead to tons of bloat in this case because the FSM isn't big enough to accommodate all the free space which is a problem. So at that point, vacuum without the full option is pretty broken in 8.1 :-P I often find in those cases it is a choice between vacuum full and dumpall/initdb/reload/analyze..... It is better now that there is no maximum size for the free space map though.
Best Wishes,
Chris travers
john r pierce 37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast
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Chris Travers
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