I found where the problem is:
It could be nice if something is added to the 9.2 release notes to warn the admins.
2013/4/24 Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxx>
On 04/24/2013 11:20 AM, Daniel Cristian Cruz wrote:The bug reporting page is here:
I've done an explain analyze under the test environment, and there is no
aggressive memory usage.
So I dropped the database in the new cluster and restored a fresh dump
from production (in theory, that's the difference between the two
Some minutes after I got an answer: after a dump / restore, there is no
problem. The same cluster just a dump/restore.
Since I had no idea on what is the problem, and the structure from the
dump of the bad database is equal to the dump from the production (it
differs only in check constraints where "((turma.situacao)::text = ANY
((ARRAY['Aguardando Atualização'::character varying, 'Em
Andamento'::character varying])::text[])))" became
"((turma.situacao)::text = ANY (ARRAY[('Aguardando
Atualização'::character varying)::text, ('Em Andamento'::character
varying)::text])))"), how can I report a issue in pg_upgrade?
Thanks, Adrian, Tomas and Tom. It's a specific issue, it's on backup
until May, 1st. Until there, if someone would like to know something
about it, just ask me, I would like to help removing an issue.
Daniel Cristian Cruz
クルズ クリスチアン ダニエル
Adrian Klaver
Daniel Cristian Cruz
クルズ クリスチアン ダニエル