Hm ... there was a fix in 9.0.12 that might be relevant to this:
Whether that explains it or not, 9.0.5 is getting long in the tooth;
you really need to think about an update. Especially in view of
Yeah, we've been in the process of planning the update in light of the security fix. We're likely just making the jump to 9.2 in the process so that'll be handled soon.
I think you should update your PG version and then resync your standbys
(ie, apply a fresh base backup) at the next convenient maintenance
We did apply a fresh base backup last night to ensure our current standbys are in a good state. I was mostly wondering if there were some better way to continually monitor the state of our standbys on an ongoing basis aside from checking pg_last_xlog_receive_location, etc. I realize it's no small task but thought maybe there was something I had missed.
In the end, I think this just helps nudge our upgrade along :)
Thanks for all the help!