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Re: Can you spot the difference?

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On 04/16/2013 01:55 PM, Moshe Jacobson wrote:
On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Given that the copy is causing the 'problem', the question to ask
    is; did you run ANALYZE on the table once the data was copied in?

I did not -- I expected the autovacuum daemon to do so. Why did it not?
The database was created & restored days ago, and the autovacuum daemon
is running with default settings.

The autovacuum daemon, if enabled, will automatically issue ANALYZE commands whenever the content of a table has changed sufficiently. However, administrators might prefer to rely on manually-scheduled ANALYZE operations, particularly if it is known that update activity on a table will not affect the statistics of "interesting" columns. The daemon schedules ANALYZE strictly as a function of the number of rows inserted or updated; it has no knowledge of whether that will lead to meaningful statistical changes.

So at a guess there has not been enough churn on the table.


Moshe Jacobson
Nead Werx, Inc. | Manager of Systems Engineering
2323 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 201 | Atlanta, GA 30339
moshe@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:moshe@xxxxxxxxxxxx> |

"Quality is not an act, it is a habit." -- Aristotle

Adrian Klaver

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