Yeah, I agree this is the right answer here, since you're using JDBC. By
the time you get a String from the MySQL driver, it's already in Java's
2-bytes-per-char format. And the Postgres driver will deal with the
encoding on the output side. So the code I provided won't help you. I'm
afraid I don't know about Mybatis, but if it's built on JDBC I'd think
you've just got a configuration problem with what encoding the client
expects at either end.
From: Tom lane
I was wondering if the problem wasn't lots simpler than that. Is the
character the OP is trying to convert actually part of LATIN1?
First, the data loading is from psql(unix) to mysql(Unix). Second, DB
transactions are through JAVA+MyBatis.
(1) Read from psql.xml into java.ArrayList<Bean>
(2) For each list.rec, save into mysql@latin through mysql.xml
Tried "jdbc:mysql://.../mysql_db?...unicode...encoding...=ISO..." No.
This does not work.
For now, through the following method, all letters are correctly
transformed except "È".
What does OP stand for?
public static String utf8_to_latin1(String str)
throws Exception
str = str.replaceAll("È", "E");
byte[] convertStringToByte = str.getBytes("UTF-8");
str = new String(convertStringToByte, "ISO-8859-1");
return str;
}catch(Exception e)
log.error("utf8_to_latin1 Error: " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
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