Hi Edson,
since you are using 'like' in your select, you may want to try the following (example):
USING btree
("MY_VARCHAR_FIELD_NAME" COLLATE pg_catalog."default" varchar_pattern_ops);
(for TEXT fields, use text_pattern_ops in the index declaration).
I declare all my indexes on string fields that way because MOST of my queries are with like/ilike anyway, and I haven't noticed that the indexes would be bigger than without those clauses - I have tables with up to 3M rows.
Next thing, perhaps your index is declared only for a part of the values in the column (partial index)?
Next, as Alan said, check if the index is up-to-date (reindex), if in doubt drop- and recreate it.
I hope that helps.
On 5 December 2012 06:02, Alan Hodgson <ahodgson@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wednesday, December 05, 2012 02:44:39 AM Edson Richter wrote:According to that the logradouro table only has 91 rows, which is why it seq-
> Sort (cost=11938.72..11938.74 rows=91 width=93)
> Sort Key: t0.nome
> -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..11938.42 rows=91 width=93)
> -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..11935.19 rows=91 width=85)
> -> Seq Scan on logradouro t2 (cost=0.00..11634.42
> rows=91 width=81)
> Filter: ((cep)::text ~~ '81630160%'::text)
scanned it. Has it been analyzed?
Also, partial text matches require a special index declaration, as I recall.
Maybe post a \d of each table to help troubleshoot this.
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