2012/9/7 Merlin Moncure <mmoncure@xxxxxxxxx>
-- On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Edson Richter <edsonrichter@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:I do this exact thing frequently. I route everything through dumps.
> Em 06/09/2012 15:40, John R Pierce escreveu:
>> On 09/06/12 5:30 AM, Edson Richter wrote:
>>>> You could change the default setting for the user with
>>>> ALTER ROLE someuser SET search_path=...
>>> That is perfect! I can have separate users for each application, and then
>>> they will have the correct search path.
>>> You saved my day,
>> the default search_path is $USER,public, so by naming your schema's to the
>> usernames, you don't even need to alter role...
> Wonderful, this would have the effect I expect that the connection defines
> the path. Then I'll use user to select the specific schema, and the "public"
> schema as the main schema.
> Thanks to you all, I think I have everything needed to put my migration
> project in practice.
Here's some roughed out bash script for ya.. The basic MO is to
restore hack the restore script with sed, restoring to a scratch
schema so that the drop/reload of the client private schema can be
deferred until the data is already loaded.
function load_client {
echo "[`date`] Loading $client "
psql -c "update client set load_started = now(), LoadedPO = NULL
where name = '$client';" $database
<get backup database and place into $client.current.gz>
psql -c "drop schema if exists ${client}_work cascade" $database
2>&1 | grep ERROR
psql -c "create schema ${client}_work" $database 2>&1 | grep ERROR
gzip -cd $client.backup.gz | sed "s/^SET search_path = public/SET
search_path=${client}_work/" | psql -XAq $database 2>&1 | grep ERROR |
grep -v "plpgsql"
psql -c "begin; drop schema if exists ${client} cascade; alter
schema ${client}_work rename to $client; commit;" $database
psql -c "update client set load_finished = now() where name =
'$client';" $database
rm -f $client.current.gz
To cut restore time down I run them in parallel:
function do_parallel {
while [ `jobs | wc -l` -ge $NUM_FORKS ]
sleep 1
"$@" &
Then it's just a matter of:
<get $clients somehow>
for client in $clients
do_parallel load_client $client
Great stuff, Merlin! ;-)
// Dmitriy.