On 06/06/2012 08:30 PM, Manoj Agarwal wrote:
The encoding that is used by the clients that supplied data to the database
is ISO-8859-1.
You said previously that you had 29 tables in the 7.4 database and three
of those had errors when upgrading to the 8.4 database. At what state is
the 8.4 database?:
1) None of the tables from the 7.4 database are in it.
2) 26 tables are in it and
a) The schema for the three problem tables are there but not the data.
b) Neither the table schema or the data for the three tables is there.
Where I am going with this is using client_encoding to temporarily set
the client_encoding to ISO88591 while restoring the data for those
tables/entire database. The easiest way I can think of to do that is for
a whole database restore is set the client_encoding in postgresql.conf,
do a pg_ctl reload, restore, unset the client_encoding, pg_ctl reload.
This would entail excluding other clients from the db for the duration.
There are other ways to do this depending on the answers above.
Kind Regards,
Manoj Agarwal
Adrian Klaver
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