On 5/31/2012 3:13 PM, Mike Toews wrote:
Thanks.On 1 June 2012 02:36, John Townsend <jtownsend@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:There are least 10 Procedural Languages available for PostGreSQL. The one that comes with the installation is PL/pgSQL.The count looks closer to 18 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PostgreSQL#Procedural_languages but I doubt some get much use (PL/LOLCODE anyone?). PL/R opens some good functionality not offered by any other language, and is particularly useful for statistics, GIS and other science applications. R itself is often a wrapper to dusty FORTRAN subroutines published in statistics journals decades ago. -Mike Fortran was the first computer language for me. (I guess that reveals my age :-) ) PL/pgSQL is easy to learn for me since it is pascal like. It appears this is the one to use, if you want to write maintainable code for others. (Next choice might be Perl*). PL/pgSQL was the choice by Postbooks. Almost 1300 functions (counting triggers) are used for the open source addition. It's a good example of how to do build a nice PG app. But I don't like the environment, namely using Qt and C++. Of course, if you have this environment already setup, and you are a good C++ programmer, then it will not be easy. *Perl was used in SMB Ledger. John |