On 09/11/2011 02:58 PM, mgould@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks, our users can only get to the application(s) they have on
their citrix menu. They are locked out of the servers otherwise. I
haven't had a problem in the past 20 years with another db back end
but I do think that on the whole I probably ought to consider a
regular login. I have a few customers that wanted integrated logins
to active directory which was easy with SQL Anywhere but I guess that
I would have to use LDAP in order to get that to happen.
Best Regards
Michael Gould
Intermodal Software Solutions, LLC
We use LDAP for authentication, but the user also has to be in the
database. Using LDAP is as easy as adding something like this to your
ldap "ldap://my-ldap-server.domain/Users;uid=;,ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=local"
Even with nobody being able to use their own client, with trust
authentication, anybody could log in as anybody else without knowing
their password
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