On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 11:22 AM, salah jubeh <s_jubeh@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello All,
I am wondering, why I can not add the following ' A > 10' in the where clause i.e. 'where nspname !~* 'pg_' and A > 10'
Select nspname, (SELECT count(*) as count FROM pg_tables where schemaname = nspname) as A
FROM pg_namespace
where nspname !~* 'pg_'
I can't answer your question directly, but I would rewrite the query as:
select pg_namespace.nspname, count(*)
from pg_namespace
join pg_tables on pg_namespace.nspname = pg_tables.schemaname
where pg_namespace.nspname not like 'pg_%'
group by pg_namespace.nspname
having count(*) > 10
Thanks in advance
Ignoring that little voice in my head since 1966!