Thanks for the reply. I tested the issue
and found out that the row has moved to another page, which means that the
index was rebuilt. Now the question is about the cost of such
rebuild: is it the same as update with different value or update with the same
value costs less. From:
pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Vick Khera On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Zeev Ben-Sender <zeevb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Hi, Having the
update statement like this: UPDATE
my_table SET (COL1 = ‘05cf5219-38e6-46b6-a6ac-5bbc3887d16a’, COL2 =
28) WHERE COL3 = 35; Will this
statement result indexes rebuild if COL1 and COL2 already equal
‘05cf5219-38e6-46b6-a6ac-5bbc3887d16a’ and 28? Thank you Easy to test. If the row moved to another page, then yes, else
no. To see if the row moved, select the ctid and compare before and after: select ctid from my_table where COL3=35; UPDATE ... select ctid from my_table where COL3=35; The ctid is returned as a tuple indicating the page number and position
within that page.