Hi All,
I would like to know about the best approach to take for providing a merged model of libpq library. When I say "merged model" it means that the client and server would be running as a single process. A single client libpq application can be linked to either the client-server libpq library or merged libpq library. For more clarity here is a small flow diagram:Â
Client Server Model:
Application -> libpq library (cs) -> TCP/IP network -> libpq (backend) -> pgsql server
Merged Model:
Application -> libpq library (merged) -> pgsql server
One approach that we are having in mind is to use the SPI interface and re-implement the libpq APIs. Is there any other better approach? Would it be possible to implement the client server protocol into an API interface, without involving the TCP/IP network?
Your thoughts and suggestions on this would be highly appreciated.Â
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