2011/1/1 Andre Lopes <lopes80andre@xxxxxxxxx>
I need to develop a database table that will aceept a variable array field. My doubt is how to deal with updates on the
array field. How can I store the information of the array fields? There any examples on the Internet on how to deal with
this subject?
What I mean with variable array is:
ÂÂÂÂÂ 'name' => 'Don',
ÂÂÂÂÂ 'age'Â => '31'
ÂÂÂÂÂ 'name' => 'Peter',
ÂÂÂÂÂ 'age'Â => '28',
ÂÂÂÂÂ 'car'Â => 'ford',
ÂÂÂÂÂ 'km'ÂÂ => '2000'
Best Regards,
I recommend to use hstore. It is well designed, mature and proven.
I believe that hstore became built-in type in PostgreSQL.
I believe that hstore became built-in type in PostgreSQL.
// Dmitriy.