You may also wish to review Andreas' suggestions as they propose a more sensible table structure rather than having a table for each convention.The table proposal really looks nice. But our database is structured by variable - so each convention has its own table.It is a really bad design - it can't scale. A new convention, and you have to redesign your database schema (add a new table, rewrite code). I think, it makes absolutely no sense to invest more work into this, sorry, shit.
Thanks for the feedback. We spent a couple of weeks analyzing the possible solutions for our Portal. And, with lots of feedback from this group, we decided to go for what we've now. It doesn't seem that much "scalable"... but in general, with everything we have to do - preparation of the data, updating of the data etc. - it seems to us actually as a very smooth solution.
Thanks for your help and your ideas!
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