What I found is I have to do a:
CREATE TABLE tblname (col1 text, col2 text, col3 text, UNIQUE(col1, col2, col3) );
In order for this command to work on a table with more columns, I have to include all column names individually within the UNIQUE() option. I would think I could say something more simple like:
CREATE TABLE tblname (col1 text, col2 text, col3 text, UNIQUE(*) );
It just seemed natural to me to allow the use of a wildcard anywhere within a sql statement, but apparently that's not the case. Is there a reason the command can't be used in this fashion or maybe is there a better way to do it using another command?
FYI the reason why I need uniqueness for entire rows is because sometimes when testing I've added the same data into the table more than once, and I'd like to prevent that. As long as I use the distinct option in select statements it hasn't been a problem, but enforcing unique rows is a more elegant solution. Also, the table in question currently has about 20 columns by 300,000 rows, just in case there might be any problems with keeping integrity on that many rows.
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