7.4.2 is the latest stable version. I see no reason to use anything else.
From a longetvity perspective, 7.3.6 could be a good choice. It doesn't have all the wizbang features that 7.4.2 does but it is "good enough" for almost any application running PostgreSQL and has been battle tested for a very long time.
7.4 is still a relatively new beast, as the upgrade to 7.4.2 proves. It really depends on your cup of tea. We at Command Prompt, run and support both and have no problems either way.
Joshua D. Drake
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---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
-- Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC and S/JDBC Postgresql support, programming shared hosting and dedicated hosting. +1-503-667-4564 - jd@commandprompt.com - http://www.commandprompt.com Mammoth PostgreSQL Replicator. Integrated Replication for PostgreSQL
begin:vcard fn:Joshua D. Drake n:Drake;Joshua D. org:Command Prompt, Inc. adr:;;PO Box 215;Cascade Locks;Oregon;97014;USA email;internet:jd@commandprompt.com title:Consultant tel;work:503-667-4564 tel;fax:503-210-0034 note:Command Prompt, Inc. is the largest and oldest US based commercial PostgreSQL support provider. We provide the only commercially viable integrated PostgreSQL replication solution, but also custom programming, and support. We authored the book Practical PostgreSQL, the procedural language plPHP, and adding trigger capability to plPerl. x-mozilla-html:FALSE url:http://www.commandprompt.com/ version:2.1 end:vcard
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings