i wrote a php skript to test this, works beautiful,
you can download the script at http://www.erdtrabant.de/index.php?i=500200104
Guy Fraser wrote:
If you are using php, the two functions below should help.
http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.pg-escape-bytea.php http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.pg-unescape-bytea.php
Taber, Mark wrote:
We’re implementing our first PostgreSQL database, and enjoying it very much. However, we have a table that will store binary image files (pie charts, etc.) for later display on a dynamic webpage. While we’re putting together our prototype application, I’ve been asked by the programmers (I’m the DBA) to “put the images in the database.” I can see how to do this using Large Objects, but then getting them out again seems problematic, and the documentation is a bit sketchy. Would BYTEA columns be better? However, it seems to me that there is no easy way using psql to load images into a BYTEA column. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mark Taber
State of California
Department of Finance
Infrastructure & Architecture Unit
916.323.3104 x 2945
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