My background is Windows and I just switched, yesterday to, Suse Linux Professional 9.0. And I have a class project due Monday, which is on why select postgresql as your DBMS. I am trying to install postgresql and going nuts. I installed the postgresql package on to my machine. I am following the short version installation instructions, but I got stuck at the first step: ./configure . I've looked for it on my system but to no avail. I just want to get postgresql up and running. Every book I turn to has this configure file. I know it is my window background that is messing me up--I can't think Linux right now. I would appreciate if someone can give me hand so I can have a good experience installing postgresql .
The configure script is part of the Posgresql distribution.
When you unpack the archive, and cd to the directory created, configure is in that directory. Thus there are two factors that are required in order for configure to run: 1) The directory must be your current working directory 2) You must use "./configure" to explicitly tell your shell to look in the current directory for the file.
I'm guessing #1 is where you're having trouble. Just do "cd <directory created by unpacking the download>" prior to "./configure"
If you're using these instructions: Then that's probably what you're missing.
-- Bill Moran Potential Technologies
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