Hi, i'm trying to store files encrypted in postgres
8.3.4, using sym_encrypt_bytea function.
this is quoted from the postgres8.3 documentation, thats was my guide, below is the php code i have used to make it, with no results and the respective errors. F.20.3.1. pgp_sym_encrypt()
pgp_sym_encrypt(data text, psw
text [, options text ]) returns bytea
pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea(data bytea, psw text [, options text ]) returns bytea Encrypt data with a symmetric PGP key psw. The
options parameter can contain option settings, as described below.
F.20.3.2. pgp_sym_decrypt() pgp_sym_decrypt(msg bytea, psw
text [, options text ]) returns text
pgp_sym_decrypt_bytea(msg bytea, psw text [, options text ]) returns bytea Decrypt a symmetric-key-encrypted PGP
Decrypting bytea data with pgp_sym_decrypt is
disallowed. This is to avoid outputting invalid character data. Decrypting
originally textual data with pgp_sym_decrypt_bytea is fine.
The options parameter can contain option settings,
as described below.
F.20.3.7. Options for PGP functions
Options are named to be similar to GnuPG. An
option's value should be given after an equal sign; separate options from each
other with commas. For example:
pgp_sym_encrypt(data, psw,
'compress-algo=1, cipher-algo=aes256')
All of the options except convert-crlf apply only
to encrypt functions. Decrypt functions get the parameters from the PGP
The most interesting options are probably
compress-algo and unicode-mode. The rest should have reasonable defaults.
<?php $fp = fopen($tmp_name, "rb"); $buffer = fread($fp, filesize($tmp_name)); fclose($fp); $buffer=pg_escape_bytea($buffer); $sql = "INSERT INTO foo(nombre, descripcion, archivo_bytea, mime, size) VALUES ('$nombre', '$desc', pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea('$buffer',123,'cipher-algo=aes256'), '$type', $size)"; ?> ERRORS:
ERROR: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts ERROR: function pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea(unknown, integer, unknown) does not exist OTHER CODE WITH EXPLICIT TYPES <?php $fp = fopen($tmp_name, "rb"); $buffer = fread($fp, filesize($tmp_name)); fclose($fp); $buffer=pg_escape_bytea($buffer); $sql = "INSERT INTO foo(nombre, descripcion, archivo_bytea, mime, size) VALUES ('$nombre', '$desc', pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea('$buffer'::bytea,123::text,'cipher-algo=aes256'::text), '$type', $size)"; ?> ERRORS:
ERROR: function pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea(bytea, text, text) does not exist any help is