I think you should use ROLLBACK if the query cannot be executed.
one can commit only results of the queries that work.
Try ROLLBACK statement.
Quoting mikie <mikie.pl@xxxxxxxxx>:
I have this problem - after sending a query from PHP script with
BEGIN-COMMIT transaction block that contains an error (e.g. I
intentionally insert wrong data into the field of "date" type) I get
an error (which is OK):ERROR: date/time field value out of range.
Now, when I try to DELETE or perform some other query later in the
same PHP script I receive this error:
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of
transaction block
I am 100% sure that I have closed the transaction block with
"COMMIT;". When I do the same in the console (psql) I get something
BEGIN; INSERT INTO table1 (somecolumn) VALUES ('somedata');
I get this reply
INSERT 180610 1
ERROR: syntax error at or near "INSERTsdf" at character 1
Everything seems to be logical and works fine. So why this does not
work from PHP? I figured one thing to workaround my problem: I am
sending the query like this:
(here are few insert queries, one is syntax error);
Then I check the pg_result of this query in PHP, and if it is FALSE I
have to send another simple query : "COMMIT;" - yes I know this is
second commit already. But it works this way!
It seems like if PHP ignored my COMMIT command from the transaction query.
I also tried sending the transaction query like this:
some queries;
but this is not working. I need to send one transaction query, check
if the result is false, then send another COMMIT.
Any ideas where I got something missed?
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
Mihail Mihailov, lehtori
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sähköposti: mihail.mihailov@xxxxxx