Rafael Mora wrote:
Yeah sure no doubt Google would help me, but I'm doing another project
in Java using RMI, im studying Informatic Engineering (like Computer
Engineering) and I prefered to get your help!! while I'm focused on
the other project...
More specifically, the PHP docs will help you. We are happy to help of
course but you should do a little research.
Joshua D. Drake
On 1/11/06, *Frank Bax* <fbax@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:fbax@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>
At 08:17 AM 1/11/06, Rafael Mora wrote:
>Javier where can I find phpinfo()?? sorry I'm new with this...
thanx for
>your help
Have you tried google? Either of the first two hits when
searching for
"phpinfo" would have answered this question.
---------------------------(end of
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
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