form the php site--
In order to enable PostgreSQL support, --with-pgsql[=DIR] is required when you compile PHP. DIR is the PostgreSQL base install directory, defaults to /usr/local/pgsql. If shared object module is available, PostgreSQL module may be loaded using extension directive in php.ini or dl() function.
The default php instalations on most linux distro's don't come with postgresql enabled !
So you need to unistall the default php version first.
On 1/10/06, Jeff MacDonald <jam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 14:23 -0800, Jagan Reddy wrote:
> Hello,
> I have successfully compiled and installed postgresql 8.1.1. I have
> created some databases as well.
> But I want to get php working with pgsql so that I can do some web
> develoement.
> Whatever rpms I get and insall, it is still complaining for another.
> I believe I have PHP 4.3.9 and I tried here to insall php-pgsql4.3.9.
> No luck.
> I am still running the default PHP installed by RedHat linux
> installaion process. I have not removed and installed source code
> based PHP though.
> Thanks
> Jagan Reddy
what version of redhat are you using?
what version of the php rpm to do you have installed? (use 'rpm -q php'
to check)
Jeff MacDonald
Zoid Technologies,
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