On php.net, if you did a search for pg_ , you would have seen the PHP
Function List .....
pg_close pg_connect pg_convert pg_copy_to
pg_dbname pg_delete pg_get_pid pg_host
pg_insert pg_lo_open pg_lo_read pg_lo_seek
pg_ping pg_port pg_query pg_select
pg_trace pg_tty pg_update preg_grep
Michelle Konzack wrote:
Am 2004-08-15 00:55:34, schrieb Raoul Buzziol:
Michelle Konzack wrote:
Never I have done this before (no need) but now I nee to create a
new table with some colums from a Webinterface and do not know how
to do that.
You have to execute a query:
pg_query(connection, "CREATE TABLE tablename (id serial, val int4...);");
I was looking for a php-Command or somthing like this to create the
table but not thinking on a pg_query WHICH execute the command...