Thank You. I got it working shortly after posting it here. I indeed had
multiple PHPs on the system and the one apache was detecting did not have
pgsql support built in. It was just a matter of deleting the "wrong" php
and things started working like a charm.
On Thu, 05 Aug 2004 09:47:07 +0200, Justin Wyer <justin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
bp1974@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I am trying to get a PostGresql <-->PHP<-->Apache working and am
running to the well documented problem of :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pg_connect() in
/var/www/html/dbview.php on line 14
Call to undefined function, means the pgsql extension is infact not
there. Do you have multiple php's on this machine? Do you have a
misconfigured php.ini lying around in your root directory, that php will
read when its been run from apache. Remember php running from apache
will read configuration files that php running from CLI wouldn't.
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