I have changed the code as suggested, but still no luck, and a new error.
The error is:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pg_affected_rows() in
/home/webpages/yamkedoo/Tests/chpw1.php on line 55
I used the following code:
echo "Connection Failed<BR>";
$gdidno = addslashes(trim($formgpid));
$newpw = addslashes(trim($formnewpw));
$newpw1 = addslashes(trim($formnewpw1));
$query = "UPDATE gpinfo SET password='$newpw' WHERE gpid='$gpidno'";
$result = pg_exec($database, $query);
print "There was a problem accessing the database";
else if(pg_affected_rows($result)!=1)
print "Update Failed\n";
else if($result)
print "Update Successful\n<BR>";
I tried removing this section of the code: else
print "Update Failed\n";
as this is where the error is, then got "Update Successful", but the
password had not been updated.
Any ideas?
From: "Peter Bayley" <pbay6343@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Yasmine Kedoo" <yazkedoo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [PHP] UPDATE - Changing Password
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 17:28:18 +1000
Hi Yasmine,
An update will not return rows from the query so pg_num_rows will be 0.
should use pg_affected_rows as in..
if (pg_affected_rows($result) != 1) {
----- Original Message -----
From: "Yasmine Kedoo" <yazkedoo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <pgsql-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] UPDATE - Changing Password
> Hi.
> I think i've sorted the previous problem now, it was a stupid error on
> part. But the update is still not working.
> I'm using the following script:
> else
> {
> $gdidno = addslashes(trim($formgpid));
> $newpw = addslashes(trim($formnewpw));
> /*$newpw1 = addslashes(trim($formnewpw1));*/
> $query = "UPDATE gpinfo SET password='$newpw' WHERE gpid='$gpidno'";
> $result = pg_exec($database, $query);
> if(!$result)
> {
> print "There was a problem accessing the database";
> exit;
> }
> else if(pg_numrows($result)!=1)
> {
> print "Update Failed\n";
> exit;
> }
> else
> {
> print "Update Successful\n<BR>";
> }
> }
> It is just printing Update Failed now. Can u see where i'm going wrong?
> Visit the following link: www.cyber.brad.ac.uk/~yamkedoo/Tests/chpw.html
> Username: jjsanderson
> Password: sanderso
> Then on the next page, GP ID: GP000001
> New Password: hello
> and ignore retype password for now. As u can see, it is printing update
> failed. Can u see the prob?
> Cheers
> >From: Robby Russell <rrussell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >To: Yasmine Kedoo <yazkedoo@xxxxxxxxxxx>, pgsql-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: Re: [PHP] UPDATE - Changing Password
> >Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 14:57:43 -0700
> >
> >Yasmine Kedoo typed this on 04/17/2004 02:48 PM:
> >>Hi Robby.
> >>
> >>That was recommended to me by someone else :)
> >>
> >>When i remove the trim, i still get the same problem.
> >>
> >>Any other ideas?
> >>
> >
> >Are you getting the same exact error at the same exact character in
> >query? Send me your error and I'll help you more.
> >
> >Robby
> >
> >--
> >Robby Russell, | Sr. Administrator / Lead Programmer
> >Command Prompt, Inc. | http://www.commandprompt.com
> >rrussell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Telephone: (503) 667.4564
> >
> >---------------------------(end of
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