I think i've sorted the previous problem now, it was a stupid error on my
part. But the update is still not working.
I'm using the following script:
$gdidno = addslashes(trim($formgpid));
$newpw = addslashes(trim($formnewpw));
/*$newpw1 = addslashes(trim($formnewpw1));*/
$query = "UPDATE gpinfo SET password='$newpw' WHERE gpid='$gpidno'";
$result = pg_exec($database, $query);
print "There was a problem accessing the database";
else if(pg_numrows($result)!=1)
print "Update Failed\n";
print "Update Successful\n<BR>";
It is just printing Update Failed now. Can u see where i'm going wrong?
Visit the following link: www.cyber.brad.ac.uk/~yamkedoo/Tests/chpw.html
Username: jjsanderson
Password: sanderso
Then on the next page, GP ID: GP000001
New Password: hello
and ignore retype password for now. As u can see, it is printing update
failed. Can u see the prob?
From: Robby Russell <rrussell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Yasmine Kedoo <yazkedoo@xxxxxxxxxxx>, pgsql-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [PHP] UPDATE - Changing Password
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 14:57:43 -0700
Yasmine Kedoo typed this on 04/17/2004 02:48 PM:
Hi Robby.
That was recommended to me by someone else :)
When i remove the trim, i still get the same problem.
Any other ideas?
Are you getting the same exact error at the same exact character in your
query? Send me your error and I'll help you more.
Robby Russell, | Sr. Administrator / Lead Programmer
Command Prompt, Inc. | http://www.commandprompt.com
rrussell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Telephone: (503) 667.4564
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