Re: form response

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From: Keary Suska <hierophant@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Postgres-PHP <pgsql-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [PHP] form response
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 22:59:14 -0600

on 9/19/02 5:52 PM, warrenmassengill@xxxxxxxxxxx purportedly said:

> In:
> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> (appears as above plus an entry for each of php2,3,&4)
> LoadModule php4_module        modules/
> LoadModule php_module         modules/
> These were all uncommented in the generic installation of RedHat 7.2.
> Where else can I look?
> I can create forms in php and tables in PostgreSQL but according to
> phpinfo(), php is not configured for PostgreSQL.
> If I survive this problem, that one is on the horizon.

Hmm, if the above directives appear in your conf in that order I think that
is the problem. I am surprised that Apache isn't croaking with an error,
since the module may need to be loaded before Apache understands what to do
with x-httpd-php. That may not truly be the case, but it does seem suspect.
What happens when you move the AddType to below the AddModule?

No, I reversed the sequence. These directives are at the very bottom,
under the caption 'Document Type' in 'Section 2 - Main Server Environment'.

<IfModule mod_php4.c>
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php4 .php3 .phtml
  AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

'Section 1 - Global Environment' contains the modules under the caption 'Dynamic Shared Object'

Do the Apache
error logs have anything to say?

They reflect my manually stopping and restarting Apache - and do indicate that PHP is running.

Do these directives appear in a context
(such as <Directory>?

Yes. See above.

How are you accessing phpinfo() if PHP scripts don't

That is strange! I cannot access phpinfo() inside a php file
(not from Mozilla nor from a terminal window) but I did run it
directly from inside Mozilla - not sure how, now. Remember, Mozilla
runs the PHP form script and produces the form. It only breaks down
when I try to call a PHP script from inside another script.

Are you *sure* you built PHP as a module and *not* as a cgi?

No. I did not build PHP at all. I did not even select it. RedHat
just included it with Apache.


Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
"Leveraging Open Source for a better Internet"

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