Advice on best way to store a large amount of data in postgresql

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We have a table containing ~1.75 billion rows, using 170GB storage.
The table schema is the following:

messages=# \d messages
                 Table "public.messages"
    Column    |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 mid          | bigint  |           | not null | 
 channel      | bigint  |           | not null | 
 member       | integer |           |          | 
 sender       | bigint  |           | not null | 
 original_mid | bigint  |           |          | 
 guild        | bigint  |           |          | 
    "messages_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (mid)

This table is used essentially as a key-value store; rows are accessed
only with `mid` primary key. Additionally, inserted rows may only be
deleted, but never updated.

We only run the following queries:
- INSERT INTO messages VALUES (;
- SELECT * FROM messages WHERE mid = $1;
- DELETE FROM messages WHERE mid = $1;
- DELETE FROM messages WHERE mid IN ($1...$n);
- SELECT count(*) FROM messages;

For the "IN" query, it is possible for there to be up to 100
parameters, and it is possible that none of them will match an existing

So, the problem: I don't know how to best store this data in
postgres, or what system requirements would be needed.
Originally, this table did not contain a substantial amount of data,
and so I stored it in the same database as our CRUD user data. However,
as the table became larger, cache was being allocated to (mostly
unused) historical data from the `messages` table, and I decided to
move the large table to its own postgres instance.

At the same time, I partitioned the table, with TimescaleDB's automatic
time-series partitioning, because our data is essentially time-series
(`mid` values are Twitter-style snowflakes) and it was said that
partitioning would improve performance.
This ended up being a mistake... shared_buffers memory usage went way
up, from the 20GB of the previous combined database to 28GB for just
the messages database, and trying to lower shared_buffers at all made
the database start throwing "out of shared memory" errors when running
DELETE queries. A TimescaleDB update did improve this, but 28GB is way
more memory than I can afford to allocate to this database - instead of
"out of shared memory", it gets OOM killed by the system.

What is the best course of action here?
- Ideally, I would like to host this database on a machine with 4
  (Ryzen) cores, 8GB RAM, and tiered storage (our cloud provider doesn't
  support adding additional local storage to a VPS plan). Of course,
  this seems very unrealistic, so it's not a requirement, but the
  closer we can get to this, the better.
- Is it a good idea to use table partitioning? I heard advice that one
  should partition tables with above a couple million rows, but I don't
  know how true this is. We have a table with ~6mil rows in our main
  database that has somewhat slow lookups, but we also have a table
  with ~13mil rows that has fast lookups, so I'm not sure.


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